Sunday Bulletin
Celebration Service November 24, 2024 9:30am
Prelude “Lobe den Herren (Praise to the Lord) Walther
Introit “Still Our Restless Minds” Kathy Wonson Eddy
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship
Rise up, O God, dwell in the praise of your people. Make your home in our worship.
Let your people be clothed with righteousness and let your faithful shout for joy.
Rise up, O God, remind us of your covenant and your commands. May your presence be a balm and your direction our guide.
Let your people be clothed with righteousness and let your faithful shout for joy.
Rise up, O God, reign with power, wisdom and love. May your kingdom come full and complete.
Let your people be clothed with righteousness and let your faithful shout for joy.
Hymn* “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” #720
Unison Prayer
Sovereign God, the wind blows, the water flows, and the sun shines. All creation declares your majesty. In you, we move, live, and have our being. Be glorified in our worship. Be known by our testimony. We proclaim your goodness from the east and the west, from the north and the south. On countryside and city blocks, you reign. In deep valleys and skyscrapers, we declare that your realm extends from everlasting to everlasting. We worship you, Holy One, in spirit and in truth. Amen
The Lord's Prayer #307
Children’s Message
Psalm 100 Lay Reader: Dave Myers page 552
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his
presence with singing.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his; we are
his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts
with praise.
Give thanks to him, bless his name.
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever, and his
faithfulness to all generations.
he Gloria Patri* #35Glor
Gloria Patri #35
Anthem “Let All Things Now Living” K. K. Davis
Stewardship Moment Jann Perkins
Prayers of the People
Hymn “For the Fruit of All Creation” #714
Message Rev. Dr. Barbara Purinton
Click here to make an online donation
Offertory “Wondrous King, All Glorious” Reger
Doxology* #46
Offertory Prayer* Giving God, we give You thanks and praise for all of Your gifts to us. We know that you are the source of every good thing, light and love come from You. As we dedicate this offering, we offer ourselves too, for these gifts of money are but tokens of ourselves. Take and use us, that our hands may reach out in service,
our feet may walk the difficult path of reconciliation, and that our words may be words of peace. For this we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Hymn* “Now Thank We All Our God” #715
Hold fast to the light of faith
Proclaim the good news through word and deed
Make your life the demonstration Keep love as your hope and guide Testify to the truth And the Sovereign God will be with you now and forever. Amen
Closing: “Amen” Margaret S. Meier
Postlude “Nun danket alle Gott” (We Gather Together)
From Thanksgiving Suite Callahan
Calendar of Events
Monday, 11/25 Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, 11/26 1-6 Pie pick up in Fellowship Hall
5 – 6:45 Frozen rehearsal in sanctuary
7:30 AA meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, 11/27 9 – noon pie pickup in Fellowship Hall
Noon AA meeting in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, 11/28 Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, 11/29 Office Closed
Saturday. 11/30 1-6 Frozen tech
Happy Birthday this week to:
Kennedy Jennings and Penny McGaughy today, 11/24
Maggie King and Rebecca Spaulding on 11/25
Charles Lee and Erica Loomis on 11/26
Kathe Rhinesmith on 11/27
Dean Percy on 11/29
Brett Loomis on 11/30
The ushers today are Nan and Dave Myers. Thank you for helping today.
On behalf of the board and staff at Stowe Community Church, we wish you a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.
“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” - Psalm 107
Thank you, Rev. Dr. Barbara Purinton for being with us today. She is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological School (MDiv), Eastern Baptist Theological School (now Palmer Seminary) DMin, and a 2014 Graduate of Goddard College (MFA in Creative Writing). She has served churches in Jeffersonville and Danville/North Danville with her husband Charlie and served as pastor in Richmond for 19 years. Since 2011 she has served 6 churches as interim pastor. She is a certified Spiritual Director and just retired after 30 years as an EMT. Barbara lives in North Hero with her husband, daughter and grandchildren. Barbara has joined our ministry team as a “Pastoral Associate” to serve as one of our designated and dedicated “on-call” clergy members to help lead worship, provide pulpit supply, and officiate various ceremonies and services when needed
Please see our Turkey Table in the narthex. Pull the food feathers you’d like to donate. Please bring food donations back to church by noon TODAY, Sunday, November 24th. If you are providing a turkey or a refrigerated item, place it in the church kitchen refrigerator. Please consider bringing your items in a reusable grocery store bag that will also be donated. If you would prefer to make a cash donation to offset the cost of a food basket or if you know of a family in need, please contact the church office. Thank you all!
Women’s Fellowship Thanksgiving pies, can be picked up Tuesday 11/26/24 from 1 – 6 pm or Wednesday 11/27/24 9 to noon in Fellowship Hall..
Please mark your calendars for our evening service on December 1, 2024 at 6 pm. which will include the lighting of the Christmas Trees in Parsonage Park!
Christmas Fair and Wreaths: Saturday, December 7, 2024 10:00 – 2:00 in Fellowship Hall. Preorder your Christmas Wreaths now by contacting Nan Myers to place your order at or 802-244-1471 by December 4th. 12” plain $26, Bow $28, fully decorated $30 16” plain $32, Bow $34, fully decorated $36
We need baked goods. Nicely wrapped breads, cookies, jellies, brownies and any mason jar items.
We are again selling jewelry as it was so popular. If you have jewelry to donate, please drop it off at the church. We are also selling a lot of our non-induction compatible kitchen items because of the renovations. So if you have gently used, interesting kitchen items you want to donate that would be fine too.
This month’s Green Tip is . . . Clean Up Your Environment. It means doing your part to properly dispose of your garbage: keep food scraps, batteries, paint, clothing, and electronics out of the garbage. Improperly disposed of waste impacts our waterways and soil and the species that rely on them. The Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District website provides an A-Z disposal guide and they host a Talking Trash radio program addressing topics like National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Wheels for Warmth, Halloween Costumes, Paper Recycling, etc. By properly disposing of your waste you steward God’s gift and ensure a sustainable future for all of God’s creation.
Frozen production TICKETS:
Available online at
Adults: $20 | Kids under 12: $10
Proceeds will support this production and the Children's Ministry at SCC.
Thursday, December 5th at 7pm
· Friday, December 6th at 7pm
· Saturday, December 7th at 7pm
· Sunday, December 8th at 2pm
If you, or someone you know, would like prayers for comfort or healing, the members of the Prayer Team are ready to support you. Please fill out the prayer request form in the pew and put it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher to deliver to the office.
Please do not forget our neighbors in need by donating food for the Lamoille Community Food Share. Non-perishable items can be put in our two bins, one in the Narthex and one in the hall downstairs. Thank you.
Musical Notes by Karen Miller
Musical Notes by Karen Miller
This Sunday celebrates Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday in the liturgical year, and Thanksgiving. The music today offers some of both.
Prelude: The chorale tune “Lobe den Herren” (Praise to the Lord, the Almighty) is an adaptation of a melody that appeared in Stralsund Gesangbuch of 1665 and is believed to be an old secular air. It has enjoyed a long successful career as a beloved hymn included in hymnals down to this day. It is also a favorite of organ chorale prelude composers, including Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748), a cousin of J.S. Bach and pupil of J.B. Bach and J.H. Buttstedt. Walther was organist at St. Thomas’s in Erfurt, of St. Peter and St. Paul in Weimar and also court organist in Weimar. A theorist and philosopher, he helped create the first music dictionary-the “Musicalisches Lexicon” of 1732. His autobiography states that he composed 92 vocal and 119 keyboard works
based on chorales. In this piece the upper voices intertwine phrases of the melody while the pedal states the entire chorale, phrase by phrase.
Anthem: Katherine Kennicott Davis (1892-1980) taught piano at Wellesley College, at Concord College, and at a school in Philadelphia. She published two organ pieces, but composed more vocal works, often anthems for choirs. Her “Let All Things Now Living” uses a traditional Welsh melody with text, harmonizations, and descant by Davis. This hymn is included in the Chalice Hymnal as No. 717 where you can follow along as the choir sings this Thanksgiving piece.
Offertory: The hymn tune “Wunderbarer Konig” takes its name from the German hymn to which it was first set, “Wunderbarer Konig, Herrscher von uns allen”. Its creator was Joachim Neander (1650-1680) who is widely regarded as the best poet of the Reformed Church in Germany, but he did create and gather various tunes for his texts. He wrote about 60 hymns in his short life of 30 years. He died of tuberculosis. Max Reger (1873-1916) wrote many challenging organ works, but near the end of his life he penned Thirty Short Chorale Preludes from which his “Wunderbarer Konig” comes. The melody is stated by the soprano line.
Postlude: The Thanksgiving hymn we know as “We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing” was originally a “national hymn” written by an unknown author at the end of the 16th century to celebrate the Netherlands’ freedom from Spanish rule. It was first published in Adrian Valerius’ Nederlandtsche Gedenckclanck of 1626. Much later Edward Kremser chose six tunes from the Valerius collection and published them in his Sech aliniederlandische Volkslieder of 1877. This tune was one of the six and named “Kremser” after the arranger who had discovered and revised the music after 250 years of neglect. Charles Callahan wrote an organ piece based on this tune as part of his Thanksgiving Suite. Callahan (b.1951) was organist in Washington, D.C. and Rollins College. He now lives in Orwell, Vermont and is a free-lance composer having produced a large quantity of music for service use. He still serves as organist to the Church of the Holy Family in New York City.