Advent and Christmas Events
December 1, 2 and 3 : A Charlie Brown Christmas
*** 7pm Friday and Saturday
*** 1 pm Sunday
December 2 - Christmas Craft and Bake Sale
December 3 - First Sunday of Advent
*** Sunday Service 9:30 am
*** Evening Service and tree-lighting 6:00 pm
December 6 - Blue Christmas Service
*** 6:45 pm
December 10- Second Sunday of Advent
*** Sunday Service 9:30 am
December 13 - Christmas Carol Sing-Along
*** Sacred and Secular Carols for the whole family
*** 6:30 pm
December 17 - Third Sunday of Advent
*** Sunday Service 9:30 am
*** with Christmas Pageant
December 18 - Messiah Sing-In at 7:00 pm
(doors open at 6:45)
December 24 - Fourth Sunday of Advent -
*** 9:30 am Traditional worship service
Christmas Eve Services
*** 3 pm The 3:00 pm service is geared towards families with younger children. We will sing Christmas Carols, special music will be performed, special family message, no candle lighting.
*** 5 pm The 5:00 pm service is again geared towards families with children. As in the 3:00 pm service there will be Christmas Carols, special music, and a family message. Since it will be dark enough, white glow sticks will be given out to light.
*** 8 pm The 8:00 pm service is a traditional Christmas Eve Service with Carols, special music sung by the choir, scriptures, message and Candle Lighting at the end while singing Silent Night.
*** 11 pm The 11:00 pm service is a traditional Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols, with special music and candle lighting while singing Silent Night.